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C.E.O. pay UP, new jobs pay . . .

via: Huffington Post

Despite a falling unemployment rate and encouraging signs of a healing economy, a new report suggests America is NOT adding the RIGHT kind of jobs.

Most newly-created jobs don’t pay enough to meet even the most basic of needs, according to a reportreleased by Wider Opportunities for Women on Friday.

The report came as a USA Today study found CEO pay climbing back to pre-recession levels. In data released today by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national unemployment rate inched down to 8.8 percent from 8.9 percent.

But with wages virtually static, job creation modest and the cost gas and energy rising, the timing couldn’t be worse for low-wage workers, who are bearing the brunt of the recession that has seen state and federal governments slash their safety nets in the name of deficit reduction.



There are two ways to reduce the deficit:

1. CUT costs

2. INCREASE Revenues (taxes)

Gawd forbid, I’m NOT suggesting taxes should be incrreased, but we need to generate BETTER PAYING JOBS.


basic facts:

People with BETTER PAYING JOBS pay more taxes – federal, state, FICA, sales taxs, >>>

People with LOW PAYING JOBS, often need MORE government services.

April 3, 2011 Posted by | deficit reduction, Uncategorized | , , , , , | 1 Comment